Climate change threatens us all – the UN Secretary General described it as a threat to human existence if not tackled – but being part of the solution is also good for us now.
Individually we can each benefit whilst reducing our GHG (Greenhouse Gas (or CO2e)) emissions by:
- Saving money – on cheaper electricity, food costs, and travel costs, with contributions from reusing, insulation and less food waste.
- Increasing work efficiency – less travel with working from home, active travel invigorates your first work hour, and you can judge travel time more easily thus saving time and stress.
- Improving physical health – with more active travel, less air pollution, less red meat.
- Improving mental health – knowing you are helping your family’s and other’s futures.
- Using your money to also help the climate – ethical banks, pensions, investments.
- Improving bio-diversity and CO2e drawdown – through tree planting/care, peatland restoration, carbon-offsetting etc.
In a Café group we will also enjoy:
- Community – you are connected with others locally and all around the world.
- Activities – social events like meeting up in a real café, campaigning, tree care etc.
Society should also benefit from :
- Technical innovations.
- Societal changes e.g. increase working from home.
- New jobs in low carbon industries like renewable energy, retrofitting homes.
- Better public transport, cycling and walking facilities.
- Much better air quality and less traffic noise.
- Enhanced local environment.
- Well insulated homes.
- A doubling of the UK forests with more space for leisure and wildlife.
- Less dependency on imported energy.
Without sufficient progress we will face some risks in the UK. The Government publishes a Climate Change Risk Assessment every 5 years which includes:
- from flooding and coastal change,
- to health and well-being from high temperatures,
- due to water shortages,
- to natural capital,
- to food production and trade,
- from pests and diseases and invasive non-native species,
Other external risks affecting the UK will include:
- Disruption to food supplies.
- Disruption following mass movement of climate-related refugees.